You can do your session at the convenience of your home or any location that you consider safe and private. When you register and book your session, you will log in a few minutes prior to the scheduled date and time, and inside the platform, you'll click on an icon that says "Start Video Session".

Here are some suggestions to help our session go smoothly and prevent any unnecessary issues:

1. You should be in a quiet and private place with a stable internet connection. It is helpful to be close to your router for a stronger connection.

2. Make sure your device (cell phone/laptop/iPad...) is fully charged or that you have access to an outlet. 

3. Have pen and paper with you since I might ask you to make a few notes.

4. Grab some water, coffee, a blanket, anything to make you more comfortable, as long as you're dressed! :)   

5. Please give me your full attention. Don't plan on multitasking around the house while in a session. If you need to have your kids with you, we can work around it.

6. Come to session with a SOBER mind (not under the influence of ANY intoxicants).

7.  Please DO NOT DRIVE during a session. You can be in your car, but you have to be parked.

I'm looking forward to seeing you!